Stowing Supplies

A Measurement Activity

Students will role play as crewmembers of the USS Missouri who are tasked with stowing supplies within the ship’s many different storage rooms. The “supplies” come in the form of various-sized, rectangular boxes. Before these supplies are stored away their dimensions must be recorded.


• Students will practice using a variety of measuring devices such as a ruler, a meter/yardstick, and a measuring tape.
• Students will gain an understanding of which measuring device works best for small, medium, and large objects.
• Students will practice how to measure the dimensions of a rectangular object.

Program Components

An in-school pre-visit includes a story and activity and is followed by a shipboard visit of 2 hours.

What makes the program unique?

Experiencing life aboard a Battleship and applying math skills in a real-world environment. Students eat lunch on the mess decks where the sailors ate onboard ship.


It is designed for students in grade 2 with up to 50 students per day.