Bring the Ship to You

Outreach and Virtual Tours

Speech Contest Opportunity - "What Can I Do For Peace?" 2025

As part of our 80th Anniversary of the End of WWII Commemoration Events, the Battleship Missouri Memorial is hosting a speech contest for High School Students (Grades 9-11). The speech submissions will be accepted until April 25, 2025, and then finalists will be announced May 5, 2025. Awards include participation in the 80th Anniversary of the End of WWII Commemoration in September of 2025, features on our website and social media channels, and more!

For more information, you can find the webpage for the Speech Contest on the sidebar or by clicking here.

In-School Programs

We currently offer an in-school visit that includes a book reading and STEM activity. Students make paper helicopters and measure data from dropping them onto a target. We demonstrate the difference between precision and accuracy while connecting the activity with our Battleship.  The program is intended for a 3rd grade level classroom. See our brochure page on this activity here: Third Grade In-School S.T.E.M. Activity

Virtual Tours

If you are unable to bring your class for a visit to the ship, you can connect with the Battleship Missouri Memorial through video teleconferencing. Bring your school on a virtual tour and listen to a presentation about the history (with emphasis on WWII) of this great battleship, followed by questions and answers about the ship. Contact us today and take advantage of this potentially long-distance opportunity.

To learn more about the Battleship Missouri education programs or educator resources, please contact our Outreach Coordinator at (808) 455-1600 ext. 254 or our Administrative Assistant at ext. 253.