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有声儿童故事书(英文) A storybook written and illustrated by Jeff Langacon.
“My Grandpa's Battleship Missouri Tour,” a heartwarming children’s book by local author Jeff Langacon. Keiki at home can listen to this virtual read aloud story available on YouTube.
The book’s main character Toby Langacon, father to Jeff (author), is both the storybook and real-life Mighty Mo tour guide. In the book, Toby takes his granddaughter’s class on an excursion of the famed battleship and talks about being stationed on the very ship that played a major role in American history.
Toby is a veteran USS Missouri crewmember whose naval career began in 1953. Now retired, Toby calls Hawaii home and serves as one of the Mighty Mo’s beloved tour guides as he spends Wednesday’s on the ship providing special tours.
To purchase your own copy of My Grandpa's Battleship Missouri Tour, visit our online store and help support the Mighty Mo: https://ussmissouri.org/store/ussm/product/MY-GRANDPAS-MO-TOUR
To view more of Jeff's work please visit: http://www.jefflangcaon.net/